Preparing for Next Year

preparing for the new year

The Holidays are coming, and right behind them comes a brand new year. Are you going to be ready? Is your business going to be ready? What can you do now that will help launch you into a successful and prosperous new year?

First and foremost, get your books in order. Send out all those invoices that you got behind on. Collect those outstanding receivables and pay off those credit cards. Next, make an appointment with your CPA and your financial advisor. Don’t wait until you are two months into the new year this year, do it before the end of the year.

Are there purchases you should be making this year for your business? Is it time to raise your prices? Do some market research on what your competitor’s are charging. If they are charging less, but they also give less value for the price, then it could be time for you to charge more.

If business is a still a little slow, let’s find out why. Are you marketing your business as well as you should? DO you have a Facebook Page, Google + and a great website? If you don’t, get that started before the end of this year. It takes time for websites to really show up well on the internet, so don’t start when you need the business, start before you need the business. Worried that you’ll get too much business? Hire some more good people and keep growing!

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