Book Keeping

forensic accounting, book keeping, tax preparation

It’s here again. Tax time. At DiSalvo and Company, PA, we are always grateful to our clients who take bookkeeping seriously. Those are the clients who’s tax returns are much easier to prepare. Everything is in the books. Expenses, properly categorized, income, also properly categorized. All in one place.

Not all of our clients take the time to do their own bookkeeping,or spend the money for a bookkeeping service, and that is a shame. Because in the long run, if you take the time to properly do the books, when you want to see what your financial picture is, it can be done with a keystroke. When its tax time, you won’t need to spend a whole week preparing for your appointment with us.

Managing cash flow is difficult when your invoices are not promptly sent out each month . So rather than doing them by hand, you might want to set up a bookkeeping software program. That way you only have to enter the specific charges for a regular client. If you have a new client, you enter their information one time, and then next time you need to invoice them, you just type in their name and the invoice will populate for you.

If you need a loan for your business, all the data is there, just print out a profit and loss and you could be ready to go. When you are trying to build a new business plan for the year, you can see where your money went over the past year. Advertising? Promotions? Website? All of those expenses are there.

At DiSalvo and Company, we use Quickbooks. Our staff can train you or your staff on how to use Quickbooks, and make your business life less stressful.

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